Monday 10 September 2012

The latest news from Prefab 4a


Our first week back at school went very well. We were very busy getting to know one another but we still had time to fit in some fun things.

We have started a mini economy in our classroom. Everyone has been given a job within the class and will get paid in fitzees for doing these jobs, working hard and behaving well in class. We are loving using the Class dojos too and for every dojo we earn we get 1 fitzee. The class bank will be opened on Friday and everyone will be given the opportunity to lodge their money (after we pay our rent and electricity bills of course!) Fortunately the class shop will also open and Paulina our shopkeeper will be very busy selling items to the children who decide to spend their earnings.

We will be starting tin whistle with Padraig this Wednesday September 12th so we are very excited about that. Keep an eye on our blog as we will be updating it regularly with all the news and happenings of Prefab 4a!




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